Non perderti l'occasione

The product showing revolution
Due to Covid-19, a lot of companies had to face critical issues such as social distancing, access restrictions and market lockdown. Even though conference call, smart working and cloud activities have granted many departments a kind of job continuity (especially to all those employees who were used to do their tasks at their desks), others (e.g. sales reps) have been blocked by pandemic limitations. In some activities, “experiencing the product”
is vital to catch all its benefits rather than a simple description and in these occasions the interactive 3D render is the solution that best fits the “product hunger”. With SHOWin3D a company can create a virtual space where welcome the customers in complete safety and offering at the same time the opportunity to interact with all the production without the constraints of the physical environment.
The Emotional Product Render Solution

Quality and flexibility
Any product more than real
The SHOWin3D Virtual Showroom is much more than a digital reproduction of the physical space, it is an active experience where the user can freely express his personality and autonomously access on the basis of his own needs and requirements. Creating a Virtual Showroom means providing your company with a tool capable of innovating the customer journey and making each item, product or collection interactive and usable from a PC, smartphone or tablet.

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Ultra HD
High definition materials with photorealistic quality
In a Virtual Showroom created with SHOWin3D, the visitor has the feeling to interact with real objects. The high definition with photorealistic rendering enhances the quality of the materials and highlights the peculiarities of the products, transforming the virtual journey into a remote store experience.

The power of interaction
Unlike static image galleries, the products presented with SHOWin3D offer an immersive
interactive experience. Through an intuitive graphic interface, the user can easily select components and finishes, study their characteristics, consult the relative technical data sheets and view guided procedures and animations.
Real-time configurations (also available in augmented reality)
The SHOWin3D technology allows the user to configure products according to his personal style and needs previewing any changes in real time. Using the video cameras of tablets and smartphones, visitors will be able to place the items in their own spaces to evaluate aesthetic and functional aspects anticipating the shopping experience.

All your collections in a single app
Unlike the limits of physical places, the powerful SHOWin3D engine allows you to infinitely extend the quantity of displayed products. With just a click, the user can consult the entire production in a single app avoiding voluminous paper catalogs.
Beyond reality
Virtual reality for innovative projects
For a top engaging experience, SHOWin3D allows the use of contents also via immersive Virtual Reality. Through a viewer (HTC, Oculus and so on), the user can literally cross the threshold of the Virtual Showroom to explore the premises and interact with the products, even before going to the physical store.

The virtual showroom exceeds the limits due to opening hours, holidays or traffic blocks

product range
You can show the complete range of your articles with all variants and finishes

The interactive visit strengthens the client’s needs, stimulates the memory and increases conversions
With SHOWin3D the time between the product design activity and the set-up of the showroom is significantly reduced with consistent savings in terms of time and resources
Market data
B2B users
91% of business buyers ask for interactive contents (
Drop of returned goods
The pre-purchase interactive experience reduces the return request by 22%
Propensity to PURCHASE
Interacting with a virtual product increases the propensity to buy by 11 times
A 360 image is not enough
Solutions such as virtual tours and 360 panoramic images offer the user an illusory active role since the interactions are limited to predefined points of observations where the visitor can only rotate on himself. The perception itself of the objects in the environment is the result of an arbitrary choice and the company’s vision does not necessarily match the user’s needs.
Other solutions

Our proposal

LIMITED Visualization
views with 360 images and photographs are binding

LONG Realization time
An entire collection requires many time and resources

AD-HOC Contents
Ambient and content reation from scratch

NECESSARY Optimization
Specific applications must be created for each platform with extra costs not budgeted

Freedom of movement and interaction with the product

Automated rule-based workflow

READY-TO-GO Resources
Customizable scenarios and ready-to-use presets

The contents are immediately accessible from the desktop/tablet/smartphone and can also be used in AR/VR

Do not hesitate to contact us, our experts will be more than glad to give you all the desired information.

30,000 man hours for development

Original project

12 years of goals

International partners

Established technology

Present at international Fairs and Events
Strength of SHOWin3D
SHOWin3D is a Content management and application building platform capable to create and manage advanced 3D interactive applications starting from CAD files, a kind of resource already available in your design department.
There are many possibilities of use of SHOWin3D and all of them can be an effective support to different corporate departments:
- Product virtualization
- Virtual handbook for installers
- Guided maintenance virtual procedures
- Virtual 3D configurator for price list or in-store customer experience
- Immersive virtual reality or augmented reality

Satisfied customers

- Rubinetteria Stella

- Caleffi

- Fandis

- De Agostini

- Umberto Palermo Design

- Paolo Lucchetta